Business grant awarded to local Foodbank

Warwick District Foodbank has been given a boost to help it continue with its work in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic thanks to a £45,000 grant from Warwick District Council.
The charity which provides emergency food and support to local people, has faced a huge increase in demand over the past two years and it is hoped that the funding will help to put this vital service on a more sustainable footing.
Councillor Richard Hales, Portfolio Holder for Transformation and Resources commented:
“We’re really pleased to be able to support Warwick District Foodbank in its work to help those most in need locally. We hope this funding will give this charity the lifeline it needs as it recovers from the economic impact of the pandemic so that it can continue to make a big difference to the lives of those who are struggling.”
The Foodbank’s Operations Manager, Andy Bower added:
“At Warwick District Foodbank we welcome this funding to support businesses and charities impacted by Covid-19. People engaging with our service are facing impossible decisions during these challenging times. This grant will help us support people in our local community who are being pushed deeper into poverty and struggling to put food on the table, while we work towards a future where no-one needs to visit a foodbank to get by.”