Weekly Update from the Leader and Chief Executive – 8 April

Although local infection levels may have fallen slightly this week, Covid is still very much prevalent in our community and starting to have an impact on our health services with hospitalised cases once again on the rise.
With almost a quarter of 25- to 40-year-olds across Warwickshire still unvaccinated, it’s important that we try and prevent undue pressure on our local hospitals by encouraging people in this age group to take their jabs. We also support the roll out of spring boosters for over 75s and the programme for school aged children.
Thankfully for most people, Covid is not a serious illness, we must however continue to take preventative action by keeping rooms ventilated, wearing face coverings, and most importantly staying at home when we’re feeling unwell.
With the change in guidance to testing in England, reporting of Covid infections has also changed. Though we no longer have specific figures for Warwick district, we’ll continue to provide you with an update on the general trend of the virus and recommend the precautions we can all take to stop its spread.
As our preparations continue to welcome evacuees to our district through the Homes for Ukraine scheme, it was heart-warming to read an article in the Times from a refugee who has described her recent arrival in Leamington as being like a fairy-tale. We are grateful for the support and generosity of local people and will continue to post updates of practical ways that you can help on our Support for Ukraine website.
RUCIS scheme
Applications are now open for local not-for-profit community organisations to apply for grants of up to £20,000 to support capital improvement projects. Recent funding recipients include the Myton Hospice, and the Whitnash Windmill Petanque Club.
Windows into the past
We are delighted to have partnered with local technology company RiVR (Reality in Virtual Reality) to create the interactive history exhibition in an empty retail unit on Market Street in Warwick. Famous buildings across Warwick including the Lord Leycester Hospital and Warwick Castle have been scanned using a process called photogrammetry, and with the aid of QR codes can be viewed as a fully interactive 3D model.
We recommend that you to visit the former TSB unit armed with your phone to take a closer look.
Lillington Health Hub
Plans to improve the health and wellbeing of residents in South Warwickshire took a step closer this week. The land transfer has been completed, and planning permission is being sought to create a one-stop health centre.
The Lillington Health Hub will provide the services currently located at Crown Way Clinic and Cubbington Surgery into a single health care facility. Funding has been agreed by WDC, the Clinical Commissioning Group and South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust – working together for our residents.
Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games
This week the Birmingham 2022 team hosted sessions for businesses and residents to help them ‘Get Set’ for the arrival of the Games to the District this summer. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and we’re working hard to ensure that there’s minimal impact and maximum enjoyment for you. Your next in-person opportunity will be a drop-in session on 1 May at Warwick Food Festival, but in the meantime, you can find out all you need to know on our website.
As the last of the government’s additional restrictions grant (ARG) schemes end we are pleased that we have been able to award a staggering 2,332 lifeline grants to local businesses amounting to £7.6 million over the past two years. A total of 11 discretionary support schemes were administered by our Enterprise Team to organisations who didn’t qualify for business rate related funding.
We would like to pay tribute to the small and tenacious group of staff who successfully managed this hugely complex process.
And finally, Leamington Round Table’s popular Regency 10k run returns to the town this Sunday. Now in its 11th year, the event has raised over £350,000 since it began, with proceeds helping local good causes such as homeless charities, community youth groups and school projects. The route takes in some of Leamington’s picturesque parks and gardens including Newbold Comyn, Victoria Park, Jephson Gardens and Mill Gardens.
Some road closures will be in place for the morning, so take a look and plan ahead if you need to get about in the town. We wish the runners the very best of luck!
Keep smiling and stay safe.
Cllr Andrew Day
Leader, Warwick District Council
Chris Elliott
Chief Executive, Warwick District Council