Curiosally, The First Platform For Fun Extracurricular Activities Online In Spanish is the first educational platform for online classes in Spanish for boys and girls from 3 to 17 years old with the content that they really like. With the philosophy based on the fact that all talents are necessary and have a well-directed future, this educational proposal offers all kinds of live online activities, taught by independent expert teachers.
Through, boys and girls participate in innovative virtual streaming activities, clubs and courses with which they acquire social, intellectual, digital and emotional development skills.
Classes are held from home, without travel, in small groups, from 7 ?? per class and at flexible times . Children and adolescents choose among the activities they like the most, such as game programming classes on Roblox or illustration to make comics or manga, cooking, magic, musical theater, photography with the mobile, making videos, or conversation in English through the game, among others. The fact that they themselves are the ones who choose and propose their activities develops their autonomy and better prepares them to make decisions about themselves in the future.
The idea of the Spanish founders of, María José Ballesta, an expert in education and communication, and Simonetta Lulli, with an entire career in the world of digital entertainment for children and young people, is to awaken the curiosity of children and young people with content that motivates them, likes them and is inclusive from any point of view, including age.
The initiative to create an after-school platform, which really like and inspire the youngest, arose from the personal experience of the two founding families. After more than 10 years living abroad with five children, they could not find extracurricular courses in Spanish for them that they found interesting and connected with their interests.
The lack of supply in Spanish was exacerbated by the confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic . Spanish-speaking children around the world had a clear disadvantage in learning skills necessary for their future. However, in the Anglo-Saxon environment there are already success stories in streaming education, such as, which offered more than 100,000 classes in 2020.
With live, safe and participatory online learning that inspires, discovers and develops innate talents, also aims to help overcome the barriers faced by girls and boys in rural areas, sons and daughters of expatriates. or from the Latam environment and also for families that lack resources, by offering free classes for children and young people in vulnerable situations.
The method, which is part of the trend of emerging technologies applied to education (EDUTIC), fosters a new type of fun learning, which helps parents save time and money, offers remote work for experts of all types of content and creative areas, and helps maintain the Spanish language in children in whom it is not their first language.