New Intermediation Service For The Sale Of Companies Of Zaragoza Chamber

The intermediation service will put the owners of consolidated companies in the industrial sector in contact with people interested in continuing their activity.
This new Zaragoza Chamber service is part of a plan to avoid the cessation of companies due to lack of generational change in order to help preserve jobs in the province of Zaragoza.
The new service, which is free and personalized, complements the continuity programs that it already had for other sectors. Thus, on this occasion, it will focus on the industrial sector and its related activities.
Through this service, an intermediation will be carried out between the applicant and the seller. A process in which the confidentiality of both parties will be guaranteed until its final phase where a blind file will gather the first information from each of the companies. These files will be compared with the profiles of the candidates.
After an initial meeting with potential buyers to establish the profile of the industrial activities that interest you, the size of the company you are looking for or the volume of operation that you are willing to assume, among other aspects, the Chamber of Zaragoza will offer you the blind cards of the companies that best suit your circumstances.
Prioritizing the values of the business project, Cámara de Zaragoza will focus on candidates who guarantee continuity without conflict between the principles of the successor and those that already exist in the company, offering a tailor-made transition solution.
This service will join those already offered by the Chamber for the Commerce and Services sectors. For the transfer of ownership of small businesses, the Chamber has a collaboration agreement with the Government of Aragon that allows entrepreneurs to access a portal of announcements where they can consult the businesses in a situation of transfer in Zaragoza from www.traspasosaragon. com and receive advice on the sale.
Similarly, Cámara de Zaragoza also collaborates with UPTA to offer information and advice for activities in the service sector (hospitality or nursery schools, among others) that are looking for a new promoter for their continuity. In both cases, the Zaragoza Chamber accompanies both parties and resolves all their doubts.