Tips from the Top: Routines of the World’s Most Successful Men

Do you like waking up to the sound of a singing cockerel as the rising sun reddens the sky? Or are you more of a late sleeper who loves contemplating the moon and the stars? It is fair to say that we all have our own preferences.
If you are a morning person, you’ll most likely set your alarm for 6 am. If you are a night owl, you won’t snuggle under the covers until late. Some, of course, may not have a choice. However, many people shape their working days based on the routines that best suit them and their bodies. In fact, the way in which we organise our week often coincides with how efficient, successful, and productive we will turn out to be in the office.
If you are not used to sticking to a certain schedule, you may feel a tad lost. What can you do during the day to maximise your efforts at work? Skip Hire UK, professional rubbish removal experts, take a look at the routines of some of the world’s most successful male celebrities. What are the daily habits that help them stand out within their field? Let’s delve into their routines to discover their secrets. Hopefully, you’ll feel inspired by the end.
Mick Jagger
Have you ever wondered what makes Mick Jagger… move(s) like Jagger? The stellar Rolling Stones frontman will turn 80 in two years’ time, but his stamina and stage presence still outshines most of his younger counterparts.
To maintain his fitness and energy levels after 50-years of the rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle, Jagger has always kept an open mind and embraced varied workout routines. By exercising six days a week, the music legend has managed to constantly improve his endurance and minimise the stress that comes with long, tiring tours.
To this day, Jagger rocks the gym on an almost daily basis, taking up yoga and ballet classes alike. Ultimately, this routine keeps both his mobility and iconic dance skills up to scratch.
David Goggins
A triathlete, ultra-distance cyclist, and ultramarathon runner, it is no surprise that David Goggins has a special routine in place.
When training for an event, Goggins’ alarm clock goes off at 3 am. If that was not painful enough, he jumps straight into a two-hour stretching routine, which he’s apparently only missed twice in the last six years. After (or before) that, he throws his running shoes on and jogs for about 10 or 15 miles, followed by a 25-mile cycle to work.
Do not worry – we certainly do not expect you to emulate this incredible athlete. However, following a routine that works for you can truly help you champion what you do.
Ludwig van Beethoven
How did Beethoven create grand music such as the Fifth Symphony? Arguably, his creativity was fuelled by a somewhat unique daily routine.
The German composer had his own peculiar way of kickstarting his working day. To energise for the day ahead, he would count out exactly 60 beans of coffee to produce the perfect morning boost. Not only that, but he would also carry out an unusual washing routine, which consisted of pouring patches of water on his hands as he hummed up and down the musical scales. Once the bellowing was over, he would jot down his brilliant symphonic ideas.
Do you have quirky habits that help you tune up for the day? If not, you may want to take inspiration from one of history’s greatest musicians.
Mark Zuckerberg
What does a millionaire get up to on a daily basis? Facebook CEO and founder Mark Zuckerberg checks WhatsApp, Messenger, and – of course – Facebook first thing in the morning.
Zuckerberg balances his work schedule with exercise, travel, and all-important family time. Moreover, to keep his brain active, he is learning Mandarin Chinese. He also sets himself the challenge of reading as many books as he can. In 2015, for instance, he attempted to finish one book every two weeks.
Finally, he tries to fit in a morning jog or workout session at least three times a week. In the words of an Ancient Roman, “mens sana in corpore sano”. To preserve a healthy mind, you need a healthy body too!
Barack Obama
The 44th President of the United States follows his own daily routine as well. To start the day feeling fresh and energised, Barack Obama has an invigorating drink. No, it’s not coffee – indeed, he avoids the caffeinated option. Instead, a glass of orange juice, green tea, or still water does the job just fine.
Physical exercise is an important component of Obama’s schedule. From cardio sessions to weight training, the former POTUS keeps his body in shape every week.
Despite his long working hours, he ensures that he always make sure to enjoy some precious family time. No matter how much is on his plate, he will sit at the table for meals with his wife and daughters.
Stephen King
With 62 novels and over 200 short stories under his belt, Stephen King is one of the planet’s most successful writers. But inventing compelling plots does not come without discipline and a rigid, efficient schedule.
The best-selling author soothes his way into the day by sitting in the same seat, sipping tea, reading newspapers, and listening to music, followed by a mind-freeing outdoor walk. This morning routine gets him ready to put pen to paper, averaging from 1000 to 2000 words per day.
After working towards a new masterpiece, King usually takes a well-deserved nap. The rest of the day is dedicated to hobbies and sourcing useful information for his novels.
There is no hiding that a well-planned schedule can do wonders for your productivity and efficiency, both in your work and private life.
Why not learn from the best? Who inspired you the most? We hope that this article encourages you to create your own successful and thoughtful routine to truly shine in your workplace.