Treasury Has Paid 8 Out Of 10 Declarations With Right To Return
The Tax Agency has closed the 2020 income campaign , which ended last Wednesday, with almost 8 out of 10 returns with the right to evolution returned . In total there are 7,392 million euros for 11,299,000 taxpayers. This is 79.8% of the returns requested in number and 69.6% in amount. Those that remain pending are subject to a more in-depth review and the Treasury has until December 31 to make the return.
The Treasury has received a greater number of declarations this year (+ 3.1%), and has reached the figure of 21,626,000, of which 14,151,000 (-1.7%) have been with a refund request (the 65% of the total). In turn, 6,021,000 have given a result to enter (+ 7.8%), although those affected by temporary employment regulations ( erte ) with a balance to enter have had this year an additional route that facilitates liquidity to the to be able to opt for a payment installment in six months without interest.
The campaign already concluded has been characterized by a reinforcement of personalized assistance (at the request of the taxpayer), both by phone and in offices, which has facilitated the presentation of 1,680,000 returns through these channels, 14% more than last year , by different taxpayer profiles. Among the main beneficiaries are those affected by erte and the recipients of the minimum vital income.
At the end of the campaign, 3,145,000 declarations by recipients of benefits by erte have been submitted through the different channels . It must be taken into account that, of the global group of recipients, more than half were not required to present the return.
In turn, in relation to the minimum vital income , the declarations presented include more than 308,000 beneficiaries of this aid (the same declaration can include several beneficiaries), to which must be added all those other beneficiaries that appear in the declarations , but not as holders, so that the overall number of beneficiaries of the minimum vital income of the rental campaign, once the corresponding purges have been made, will be higher.