List of 8 Must-Have Tools for Your Motorcycle For Self-Repair Work

Buying a motorcycle of your choice signifies a passion for riding and the required need to reach a specific destination well on time. Certainly, riding a motorcycle saves your money to an optimum extent and helps face the daily congestion with ease and comfort. To experience it all, it is an essential matter to keep the motorcycle in good condition. Concerning the same, you shall not just buy bike spare parts online for regular replacement but even carry your own toolkit to repair the bike on your own.
So, here in this blog, we will be sharing the list of best motorcycle tools that you must carry with you while heading towards a short or long distance. By referring to this blog, you will get to know the tools you need to invest in.
With no further delay, let’s get started on the same.
Tools you need for motorcycle self-repair work
1. Tire Pressure Gauge
One of the most important motorcycle tools you need is the tire pressure gauge. Undoubtedly, maintaining the required tire pressure gauge helps keep a close check on the tire’s air. From the safety standpoint and getting the optimum mileage efficiency, it is necessary to check tire pressure at regular intervals and fill up the same, when required. Therefore, you must invest in a cost-effective tire pressure gauge with digital or analog functionality as per your budget and needs.
Make sure the tire pressure gauge you buy offers the required precision, connecting well with the tire air valve and providing real-time air pressure. With the help of this tool, you can maintain the tire pressure and ride safely across a wide range of surroundings.
2. Screwdrivers
Certainly, a compact set of screwdrivers must be there with you to tighten up the required nuts, bolts, and other such things. To maintain riding efficiency, it is of integral matter to have the screwdriver set with you. And, it must include flat & Philips heads, long & short handles, and multiple tip sizes for diverse repair work.
3. Tire Inflators
In addition to the tire pressure gauge, you also need to have a tire inflator to fill up the required air inside tires and run smoothly across varying choices of destinations. Buying a tire inflator machine is simple by coming a variety of choices online. You have the flexibility to lay your hands on manual or digital tire inflators as per your requirements.
4. Fasteners in Standard Condition
When it comes to fasteners, there might be an instance, where your bike features either a Metric of SAE fastener. It is always advisable to keep standard fastener tools handy with you. And, it’s not a big deal to buy a standard choice of fasteners for your motorcycle because the same tool is available online at an affordable price.
5. Wrench Sets
It is of integral importance to invest in motorcycle wrench sets to fix the fasteners at any point in time. You must lay hands on open-end and closed-end wrenches to provide a strong connection to motorcycle parts and ensure riding efficiency to an optimum extent.
6. Hex Keys
Hex keys are another important motorcycle tool that you must buy from a reliable source to make sure the engine works well. To be precise, hex keys come variety of sizes and shapes. And, the most common size you need to have is the L-shaped hex keys that include long and short lengths. Also, take into consideration buying multi-set hex keys to perform the required repair work with ease and comfort.
7. Oil Filter Wrench
To remove the oil from the filter and add a new one, you ought to open the cap. Opening with bare hands is not possible due to the slippery surface. Thus, you need to have an oil filter wrench to open the cap, remove the oil, and add a high-quality one. It is essential to perform this repair activity at regular intervals to ensure smooth engine functioning and properly lubricated parts inside.
8. Oil Catch Pan
Another important motorcycle tool that you cannot avoid is the oil catch pan. Specifically for the usage of the already-used engine oil from your motorcycle. The oil catch pan should fit under the oil drain area and carry the oil with ease. It is quite affordable to invest in an oil catch pan for any choice of motorcycle.
Concluding Thoughts
Maintaining the riding efficiency of a motorcycle demands regular investment in quality spare parts along with online bike accessories. When it comes to buying original parts of the Hero motorcycle, then buy genuine and cost-effective products at the eShop Hero Motocorp platform. It’s a reliable website, powered by the Hero Motocorp brand that allows bike owners to lay hands on original quality accessories and spare parts at an affordable price.