Author Federico Acuña Espiritu’s New Book ‘Pateros in My Spirit’ is a Faith-Based Reflection of Stories From the Philippines

Recent release ‘Pateros In My Spirit’ from Covenant Books author Federico Acuña Espiritu is a spiritual collection of memories and stories that bring the nostalgia of life in the Philippines in the 1950s-70s.
Press Release
Apr 12, 2022 06:00 EDT
ANTIOCH, Calif., April 12, 2022 (
Federico Acuña Espiritu, a Philippines native who serves as a reservist lieutenant colonel in the Philippine Marine Corps of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, has completed his new book “Pateros In My Spirit”: a faith-based reflective collection.
Espiritu shares, “Pateros In My Spirit relives cherished, fond memories and blissful narratives in the small river town of Pateros in the Pearl of the Orient Seas, that is the Philippines.” This passion book captivates the nostalgic aura and flavor of the decades 1950 to 1970 replete with baby boomer heritage, traditions, poetry, arts, and experiences expressed through the author’s memoir and heartily enriched by town mates’ contributed family stories and vintage photographs that eventually made it a love offering book for the appreciation of present and future generations. The storytelling’s folksy shift from light wordsmith anecdotes to historic accounts makes the book an enlightening reading experience harboring the quality of life during the period also best portrayed by a montage of images already lost to invasive urbanization. The collective project sprang from the author’s shooting of his Soul of Fandango documentary film which revealed old town folks respondents’ endearing vivid stories better published in a book rather than presented on a flickering celluloid screen. Old and young, friends of friends, and strangers in the true Filipino bayanihan (unity) spirit even raised funds for the publication of the coffee table hybrid Pateros In My Spirit and its twin book, Tale of Two Pateros, just to get their momentous chronicles pronounced and recollections preserved, if not appreciated, outside of their world. Enjoy the sojourn to memory lane of the people who dearly call themselves Paterosinos.
Published by Covenant Books of Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, Federico Acuña Espiritu’s new book brings his own love for his native country with a reflective compilation of tales that will spark nostalgia and memories.
Readers can purchase “Pateros In My Spirit” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
Covenant Books is an international Christian-owned and operated publishing house based in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. Covenant Books specializes in all genres of work that appeal to the Christian market. For additional information or media inquiries, contact Covenant Books at 843-507-8373.
Source: Covenant Books